  • Líščie údolie 57, Poliklinika Karlova Ves, Bratislava
  • Pondelok - Štvrtok 9,00 - 17,00    l    Piatok 9,00 - 16,00


What has the most impact on the health of our eyes? Surely we have all wondered how we can protect our sight better, more permanently and what to avoid. We can help ourselves intuitively in certain things, elsewhere nature makes its way through.

 Prenatal predisposition

Genetics often signs under our current state of health, including vision. Also, if the mother has overcome any disease during pregnancy or her baby was born prematurely, these all may affect the functioning of the eyes.

 Way of living

Carrots alone will not improve your sight, but as long as you maintain proper eating habits, this can greatly help
to preserve also the health of your eyes. We are talking about, for example, omega3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, zinc, which can help prevent age-related degeneration of macula (central part of the retina). Some diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or allergies, may also affect your sight, so you need to have a diet adapted to your health situation.

Safety glasses

If you do not protect our eyes with high-quality sunglasses from strong sunlight, this may negatively affect your vision. UV radiation affects also the aging of the lens and may be participating in the formation of the cataract. Sunglasses should be worn not only in summer, but also in winter, when the sun’s rays are reflected from the shiny white areas. Even at work or during sport where you are at risk of eye injury, should you not forget to wear the goggles.

 The screen

Kids and the screenLifestyle change caused that the number of people with glasses increases. We are more demanding for our sight, in today’s computer age we realize more quickly that our vision is not a 100% thing. Thanks to screens in particular, people with myopia are rising. This also increases in children who are actually fascinated by the TV screen. It is then necessary to be especially careful that the child does not watch it for long and too close. Not only children, but we, too, should rather spend more time outdoors, our eyes will thank us for it. Unless otherwise stated, in the case of long-term computer work, we should at least take regular breaks, blink for 20 seconds every two hours for 20 seconds, look into the distance or use artificial tears. Also working in the right lighting will do its part.


Some eye diseases are associated with higher age. However, parents should also pay attention that their child is not getting close to the TV or is not putting objects closer to their eyes.


It is important to choose the right and quality cosmetics, noticing the expiration dates. In particular, mascara can thicken over time and falling lumps can get into the eye, causing discomfort and itching or even inflammation. Women with lenses are recommended to put the contact lenses in the eye before they put the make-up on. On the opposite side, they should clean the make-up first and then remove the contact lenses. We should never forget about daily correct make-up removal, otherwise, redness or inflammation can occur in addition to a skin irritation. If you have sensitive eyes or allergies, first test the cosmetics on your hand.

 Glasses or lenses?

They both have advantages and disadvantages, both play an important role, which is to adjust the vision. Glasses can be a fashion accessory for someone, they can have special light-responsive anti-glare adjustments and protect our eyes from UV radiation. Their disadvantage is perhaps the fogging of glasses when passing within different environments and for people with higher diopters they can make it difficult to perform certain types of sport. Contact lenses are directly on the cornea, so even peripheral vision is better. They do not fog and people can perform several physical activities while wearing them. However, hygiene is extremely important. Thorough hand washing before each application, usage of solutions, sticking to exchange time intervals. In addition, people with dry eye may have difficulties with wearing contact lenses.


Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism can be solved by laser surgery. It is important to undergo a thorough ophthalmological examination in the Laser Center. In some diopter damages it can mean a permanent solution, but especially minus diopters can get worse. Currently, most of the laser centers provide a lifetime warranty.

How to protect our sightWe do not choose the condition of our eyes and our sight, but we can greatly help them by following simple healthy principles – protecting them from strong sun, not subjecting them to constant screen radiation, or not going to sleep with the make-up on. If we feel that with something is wrong with our vision, it is a right thing to pay a visit to an ophthalmologist or an optics where they can advise and recommend the next steps.

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